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Enhance your business

Partner with BTXCHANGE

Interested in a BTXCHANGE ATM at your establishment? A BTXCHANGE ATM installed in your storefront will open the potential to increased sales, an enhanced marketing strategy and additional income from rent and sales commission. BTXCHANGE will organize the delivery process and programming required to ensure an effective and smooth operation.


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Bitcoin in your wallet?

Where can you spend Bitcoin?

There are a number of businesses that are now recognizing Crypto-currencies as an acceptable source of asset. If your business recognizes Crypto-currencies and you would like to advertise here or if you would like more information on where you can use your assets, please contact us.

Investing in Bitcoin?

Join our Crypto network

BTXCHANGE understands the variety of individuals who are using their Crypto-assets for diverse purposes. Join the BTXCHANGE community in our social media platforms to be up to date with Crypto news and changes that could affect your assets. Follow BTXCHANGE on Facebook or Twitter.

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